Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Stereotyping Sucks!

Yes, stereotyping as we all know it occurs all the time. People often stereotype without even realizing it or some people do it because they feel it’s normal to judge others. I personally feel that the reason people like to criticize and stereotype is to make others look away from them.

It is obvious that stereotyping can be hurtful to individuals or groups of people. It leads to negative energy, hate and discrimination. The power people get from stereotyping is ignorant and it occurs because people simply want look better than others.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. K! I really don't steretype much. I talk to people and go by there personality.

Melissa Laureano said...


i believe that all of us some where down the line have made a judgement about someone. Stereotyping is something that we are so used to in our world that half of the time we dont even realize that we have done it.

Yes its wrong but growing up In America where we are all a bunch of hypocrites. Not one of us can say that we havent even once said something bad about someone.

My views on stereotyping is that yes its wrong but when you grow up in a world that everyone does it you seem to do it yourself..

Olga Ruvalcaba said...

i think stereotyping is bad but i agree its the something that everyone does it and its not only in america but in other places to

Nicole Jones said...

The thing about steroetyping is that people do it all the time, even if you don't realize it.

Alejandra Lopez said...

Sometimes people stereotype without even realizing it. And i agree with Melissa.. living in america changes the way stereotyping is seen. Its done so often thats its almost normal to all of us. Even though its wrong and hurtful... there can actually be some truth behind it. But idk.. maybe we're just overlooking at the whole situation... i'll just stick with what i say.. IF YOU DONT HAVE SOMETHING NICE TO SAY... THEN SHUT UP. =)

Lidia Felseghi said...

i agree with whoever said that everybody stereotypes... i do it too but not intentionally.. just on accident. i hate when people do it but i do it too so i dont want to be a hipocrite by saying nobody should do it. theres just so many things we can say about people and i guess it does make a difference that we live in america.