Friday, September 21, 2007

the government! its trying to take over the world and get us all!!

everyone watch this.
you mite not think its that serious,
or that its far fetched,
but try to open your eyes.

a new time is upon us!
get with it dudeeee!!



Idalia Bates-Melecio said...


and if you have som extra time on your weekend,
watch this too.

it shows how religion is based on egyptian gods,
and how the sun and the way we think about things is all based off the zodiacs.

watch it!!
its reallllly intresting.

expand your mind a bit.

Anonymous said...

I'm watching it now, and so far the religious part isn't very accurate. Its religious section seems similar to a book I have called, "The Two Babylons," which was written by a reverend in 1853, and chronicled similarities between several ancient religions and Catholicism, leading into an amusing conclusion that the Catholic religion is a direct descendant of the Babylonian religion, and the pope is the anti-Christ. The book was researched in detail and was concluded to be full of misinterpretations and poor conclusions. I think at the least the religious section will suffer a similar fate. The 9/11 portion is starting, I'll see how it is.