Wednesday, September 19, 2007


theres a famous saying that you need to prove to the Mexicans, how mexican you are and to the Americans how American you are.

Im not sure what im getting at but, over the weekend of Mexican Independance Day I was so shocked at what I had seen.

The Mexican flag being disrespected. Dragged on the floor by young teenagers which half of them dont even know what being Mexican is about.

Your flag symbolizes where you come from. And for you to drag the flag on the floor and wear it as an item of clothing isnt helping you make a statement. Its making you look like one of the dumbest people. The flag is a symbol of honor, its more then just a flag. For young teenagers to drag it and to see what I saw with my own eyes. It put me to shame that not enough people know what an independance day. If you go to Mexico you dont see a bunch of mexicans standing a corner waiting for cars to honk to show pride. So in conclusion why do us mexican-americans do it here?

1 comment:

Olga Ruvalcaba said...

i know like some people say its mexico day they dont even know why we celebrate it !!